Slotkin put on blast in debate for moving into lobbyist’s home

During WDIV’s debate this weekend, Elissa Slotkin was put on blast by the host for moving into a lobbyist’s house, despite promising to clean up Washington in 2018.
But instead of fessing up to it, Elissa Slotkin melted down before later admitting that yes, her landlord is a donor who works in “government relations,” which as WDIV pointed out “is basically a lobbyist.”
It’s just the latest in the stack of bad press Slotkin is earning for her scandalous living arrangement.
- Daily Caller: EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Elissa Slotkin Pushed Program That Gave Federal Funds To Her Landlord’s Company
- Detroit News: Slotkin Leasing Lansing Home From Business Executive, Campaign Donor
- MLive: Slotkin Renting Lansing Condo From Campaign Donor, Business Executive
- Washington Examiner: Elissa Slotkin Leasing Home From Campaign Donor To Run In Michigan’s 7th District: Report
- Breitbart: Melt Down: Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin Implodes When Pressed by Michigan News Anchor on Residing in Lobbyist’s Home