Slotkin brags she’s “more liberal” than the socialists

Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin is sick and tired of the media saying she’s a moderate.

Confronted about her radical record in an interview with Michigan Advance, Slotkin made sure to point out her voting record “is actually more liberal than that of Ocasio-Cortez” and to highlight that she “has not voted with Trump on major issues… although he won her district in 2016 by 7 points.”

Here’s the quote — in case she gets cold feet and tries to change it.

But that’s not all. She continues gushing about how she and the socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and her fellow Michigander Rashida Tlaib “all get along” so well.

We’ve been saying Slotkin is a radical socialist Democrat for months, it’s just nice to see her finally embrace it.