Science-denier Haley Stevens undermines CDC

Congresswoman Haley Stevens is denying science, undermining the CDC and saying she knows better than public health officials on schools reopening.
Last night, Stevens told National Journal that she “agrees with the teachers unions,” adding that teachers need to be vaccinated before schools can re-open, and refused to give a timeline for getting kids back in the classroom.
Stevens’ comments directly clash with the CDC who has said schools can safely reopen *right now* and also said “vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite for safe reopening of schools.”
“It’s unconscionable that Haley Stevens would deny science, directly undermine America’s public health officials, and continue keeping America’s children from receiving the education they deserve,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Haley Stevens put her union bosses ahead of what the science says is safe and what is best for our children, showing Michiganders exactly why she’s unfit to serve in Congress.”