Rouda violates STOCK Act

Harley Rouda is once again telling Californians that he thinks he is above the law.
CBS News is now reporting that Rouda “appears to have violated the STOCK Act, which requires members of Congress to report stock sales and purchases within 45 days.”
Per CBS:
“In April of 2019, Rouda sold his shares of Rock Brands, a footwear company, which was in the amount of $100,000 to $250,000. Rouda sold more stocks of Rocky Brands a few months later in September of 2019. In addition to requiring members of Congress to report transactions within 45 days, the STOCK Act prohibits representatives and their employees from using private information gathered from their official positions for personal benefit.”
To wrap up, Harley Rouda doesn’t think the rules apply to him on: paying his taxes, following the STOCK Act, or complying with lockdown rules. Life must be nice when you’re Harley Rouda!