REPORT: Kirsten Engel Overcharged Taxpayers For “Imaginary” Services

According to a new report, while Kirsten Engel was working for a far-left environmental group, a panel of judges found that Engel egregiously overbilled taxpayers, charging the federal government for “imaginary” legal services.
Engel received condemnation from a panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals – that included Ruth Bader Ginsburg – who reprimanded Engel, finding her “overbilling the government as a serious transgression, damaging to the public fisc and violative of the trust reposed in each member of the bar.”
Their opinion went on to read, “there is simply no excuse for a private attorney billing the government for imaginary or unnecessary legal services,” and saw to it that she received less than half the taxpayer funds she attempted to get.
“Self-serving Kirsten Engel’s flagrant attempt to fleece taxpayers as a private attorney shows she can’t be trusted as a lawyer, and especially as a Member of Congress,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole.