Rep. Peterson šŸ¤ as MN Dems say abolish the police

Minnesota DemocratsĀ canā€™t wait to abolish the police. This weekend, the Minneapolis City CouncilĀ announced plans to fully dismantle the Minneapolis Police DepartmentĀ and Collin Petersonā€™s colleague, Ilhan Omar, has been chomping at the bitĀ abolish the police, too.

But as Democrats pledge to move forward with this insanity, Collin Peterson hasnā€™t even made a peep about it.

Has Collin Peterson fallen silent because he agrees with this madness? His silence is speaking volumesā€¦

ā€œIf Collin Peterson doesnā€™t have the courage to stand up to the Democrats ā€“ even when they push insane ideas like abolishing the police ā€“ then what good is he really,ā€ said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. ā€œMinnesotans expect Congressman Collin Peterson to stand up and lead, not rollĀ over to the radical Democrats as they pledge to gut and dismantle local police forces.ā€Ā 

P.S. The national press is already picking up on what a disaster this is going to be for Collin in Novemberā€¦Ā Best of luck, man!