Rep. Horn silent as Dems pledge to destroy Oklahoma’s economy

2020 Democrats are clamoring for a full, nationwide ban on fracking – a policy that would…

Yet somehow Oklahoma’s Democratic Congresswoman Kendra Horn is still searching for her spine to speak out on the issue. Does Kendra Horn support her party’s push to destroy Oklahoma’s economy or does she stand with her hard-working constituents that depend on oil and gas to make ends meet?

Her silence is speaking volumes.

“It’s no surprise that Congresswoman Kendra Horn is refusing to stand up for the countless hard-working Oklahomans who rely on Oklahoma’s thriving oil and gas industry to put food on the table for their families,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “If Kendra Horn won’t stand up to her crazed Democratic Party on even an issue this simple, imagine how quickly she’ll fold when the going gets harder.”