REALITY CHECK: Poll: Republicans tackling voters’ top concerns while Democrats remain out of touch

In a good reminder of where voters actually are, a survey this week from Harvard illustrates which party is in touch and which party is out of touch with Americans’ central concerns.
- Despite President Biden and Democrats’ attempts to convince voters their economy is thriving, 49% of voters say their personal financial situation is worsening, while only 25% say it is getting better.
- The number one, two and three most important issues facing the country today? Price increases/inflation; Immigration; Economy and Jobs. Which party is more focused on the economy, immigration, and combating inflation? That was a rhetorical question, as Republicans have been laser-focused on securing the border and reining in out-of-control federal spending that led to runaway inflation.
- 82% of voters favor legislation that would strengthen parents’ rights over their kids. Reminder: House Republicans passed the Parents’ Bill of Rights Act, while every single House Democrat voted against it.
- Over two thirds of voters (69%) oppose governmental rules that would virtually eliminate gas stoves from kitchens, which House Republicans addressed by passing a bill to prevent a federal ban of gas stoves. Meanwhile, the state of the New York just passed legislation to ban them.