Poll: Luria, Taylor Tied

Fresh polling out this morning in National Journal shows Elaine Luria is in for a tough November. The new poll has Luria and Scott Taylor tied with 48% each and just 4% undecided.
Notably, Taylor leads with independent voters 51%-33% and bests Luria on image, with 52% of voters having a favorable impression of him.
Click here for the full polling memo. Click here to read the story in National Journal.
In case you missed it…
Luria, Taylor Tied in CLF VA-02 Poll
National Journal
Kirk Bado
July 20, 2020
VA-02: Rep. Elaine Luria (D) and former Rep. Scott Taylor (R) are tied at 48%, according to a poll shared exclusively with National Journal from the Republican-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund conducted by the Tarrance Group (Jul. 14-16; 402 LVs; +/-4.9%). Taylor had slightly better favorability ratings, 52% favorable to 36% unfavorable, with Luria at 50% favorable to 38% unfavorable. …
This is the second encouraging poll released by CLF for battleground Republicans after Democrats released more than 15 partisan polls showing their candidates ahead or competitive with Republicans across the map.. On Friday, CLF released a poll of UT-04 showing former NFL player Burgess Owens (R) leading Rep. Ben McAdams (D), 43%-34%.