Peterson decides he wants to lose (instead of retire)

Collin Peterson is apparently choosing to get beat in November, rather than going out quietly and preserving his dignity, with POLITICO reporting minutes ago that he plans to run for re-election after all.
Best of luck to Collin, who will now going to have to spend the next 9 months defending giving free health care to illegal immigrants, trying to take away folks’ health care, raising taxes at least $4 trillion, and closing 55% of rural hospitals.
Best of luck! Sounds like one heck of a platform in that Trump +30 district!
“Good thing Collin Peterson already sold his house in D.C. – it’ll make the logistics a heck of lot easier once he loses in November,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “The Democrats have put socialism on the ballot in 2020 and Collin Peterson will own every bit of it.”