Pelosi admits impeachment is a sham

Nancy Pelosi finally admitted her impeachment gong show has been a total sham, hastily scheduling a vote for this Thursday to move forward with her now irreparably tainted efforts to impeach the President.

The move makes clear that Democrats are putting their reflexive hatred of this President above any of the issues they campaigned on. No wonder 2/3 of voters in key battleground districts think the Democrats are too obsessed with impeachment and public polling in swing states shows voters oppose removing Trump by 10 points.

A brilliant strategy for a House Majority that runs through Trump Country, no doubt! 🙄

“Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are taking their obsession with removing President Trump from office to new heights,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “Voters back home are begging the Democrats get to work on literally any other issue, but the Democrats just can’t help themselves from doubling down on their impeachment madness. Thursday’s vote will be an ever-present reminder that Democrats couldn’t care less about any of the issues they campaigned on because they only care about moving forward with their efforts to remove the President who Democrats have been trying to impeach since Day 1.”