One Year Later, Does Cartwright Approve of Biden’s Record?

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Joe Biden and House Democrats taking control of Washington, but Democrats will be the only ones celebrating.
One year in, families and small businesses are being crushed from 40 year-high inflation, wages can’t keep up with rising prices, crime is out of control, America’s gone backwards on COVID, and schools are closing all over again.
Does Matt Cartwright still think Biden has “delivered on the key promises” and “ensured everyone’s economic well-being” a year later?
“After a year of total Democrat control in Washington, Congressman Matt Cartwright has little to show but a record of failures a mile high,” said CLF Press Secretary Cally Perkins. “Matt Cartwright and Joe Biden’s agenda have been a disaster across the board, and their only plan is more the same failed policies that got us into this mess to begin with.”