Congressional Leadership Fund launched – a new website that highlights Crooked Rep. Matt Cartwright’s corrupt efforts to pad the bottom line of his family business interests and his numerous ethical problems while in Congress.

The new site is being promoted as part of an on-going effort to ensure voters know the truth about Crooked Cartwright and his shameless attempts to rig the system, which earned him the dishonorable distinction of being named one of Congress’ “worst ethics violators” of 2019.

Click here to view the new site.

A screenshot appears below.

“Crooked Matt Cartwright was supposed to be looking out for Pennsylvania families, but the only thing Crooked Cartwright was looking out for in Congress was how to grease the wheels of his family’s business interests,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Matt Cartwright got caught abusing his office, and our new site,, will be an ever-present reminder to voters of how Crooked Matt Cartwright put himself over Pennsylvania families.”