New CLF Poll: Republicans in prime position to flip MI-08

Today, Washington Examiner reported on a new CLF poll showing Republicans in a uniquely strong position to flip Michigan’s 8th Congressional District.
Key findings from the poll, conducted between December 4-5th following Dan Kildee’s retirement:
- The generic ballot is a statistical tie (45%-46%), with a Republican candidate leading a Democrat candidate by 8% among independents.
- A named Republican candidate leads potential Democrat rivals 43-40%.
- Biden and Trump are tied at 44%-44% in a district that Republicans have not won on the presidential level in recent history.
- Biden is a massive liability in the district, with a job approval of 41% approve – 52% disapprove.
- 60% of independent voters disapprove of President Biden’s job performance.
Also, voters say Biden’s performance makes them less likely to support Democrats down-ballot by a margin of 10%, with 52% of independents saying they are less likely. Meanwhile, 57% of voters say they want someone who will serve as a check and balance to President Biden.
“Between toxic President Biden and his party’s extreme liberal agenda, coupled with a strong political environment, Republicans are primed to flip this open seat red next November,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella.
Click here to read the MI-08 polling memo.