National Polls Spell Trouble for House Democrats

The latest national polls aren’t looking good for the left:
- By a 9-point margin, voters see the Democratic Party as more ideologically extreme than the Republican Party.
- Republicans are making gains with working-class voters, as voters across the board see Republicans as “caring about them” – up nine points from 2016.
- Republicans have a 21-point advantage on who better handles the economy – “the largest lead Republicans have held on this question in [NBC News] poll dating back to 1991.”
- President Biden’s disapproval rating has hit an extraordinarily high 56%, according to both the Post-ABC and NBC News
- 44% of voters say they’re worse off with President Biden.
- And finally, voters support the Biden impeachment probe by seven points, while New Yorkers support it by six points.
“With toxic President Biden at the top of the ticket and an extreme liberal agenda that’s disrupting American families’ way of life, House Democrats should be very worried about next November,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella.