McLeod-Skinner: freight train in a primary but train wreck in a general

Democrats have a real problem again in OR-05: Jamie McLeod-Skinner.
Though she’s yet to officially announce she’s running again, liberal extremist McLeod-Skinner released a poll showing she is crushing the Democratic primary field in OR-05, leading with 50%, followed by Janelle Bynum at 9%, Lynn Peterson at 5%, Kevin Easton at 4%, and 32% undecided.
“Proud progressive” Jamie McLeod-Skinner is a disaster in a general election, though. She’s so toxic that national Democrats abandoned her race last October, while Democrat strategists admitted McLeod-Skinner was too liberal and extreme to win.
“Democrats’ lead candidate in OR-05, Jamie McLeod-Skinner is a freight train in the primary but an unelectable train wreck in the general election,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella.