Max Rose gets his wish

Max Rose got his wish after marching hand-in-hand with “defund the NYPD” protesters earlier this month.
Just now, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a $1 billion NYPD budget cut that would devastate Rose’s Staten Island district where many of New York’s finest live.
Staten Island’s youth are leading an incredibly powerful, peaceful movement for justice in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many Black lives that have been lost due to senseless acts of violence.
Leigh, Miles and I were proud to march with them today.
— Max Rose (@MaxRose4NY) June 5, 2020
It’s the latest in a laundry list of ways Rose betrays his constituents, especially given he promised to support law enforcement when he first ran for office.
“When Max Rose first ran for office, he campaigned on supporting our law enforcement, but then gets to Congress and starts marching with the left to defund the cops and send the NYPD pink slips,” said CLF Spokesman Will Reinert. “Through all his tough talk, the truth is: Max Rose just isn’t who he says he is. Max Rose has betrayed his constituents yet again, giving them every reason to vote him out in November.”