šŸ¤£ Malinowski insists heā€™s *totally not* a socialist šŸ¤£

Tom Malinowski is already trying to run from his socialist record.

At a town hall this weekend, Malinowski took a brief break from making hatefulĀ commentsĀ about immigrants and tried his hardest to convince New Jersey voters heā€™s actually a ā€œcapitalist.ā€

In fact, he couldnā€™t stop saying it. According toĀ InsiderNJ, Malinowski ā€œat least twiceā€ insisted heā€™s not a socialist.

The problem?Ā PoliticoĀ already looked at Malinowskiā€™s extreme record and noted he ā€œhasnā€™t steered toward the centerā€ and votes with self-described socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ā€œmore than any of his New Jersey Democratic colleagues.ā€ He also votes against Trump 3x more often than socialist AOC, according to theĀ FiveThirtyEight project.

What was that about being a capitalist again, Tom?

ā€œTom Malinowski walks, talks and votes like a socialist, so why wonā€™t he just admit it already,ā€ said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. ā€œTruth is, Tom Malinowski votes with socialists more than anyone else in Congress from New Jersey and no desperate spin is going to cover that up.ā€