Lying Rudy Salas is at it again

Lying Rudy Salas is at it again…
In a new interview with Bakersfield Now, Salas declared “you’ve always seen me focused” on helping families stretch their dollar, and “you’ve seen me fighting for those policies.”
What about the multiple times he skipped votes to suspend California’s astronomical gas tax?
Or when he voted to extend California’s cap and trade program, which would raise the price of gas as much as 73 cents a gallon...
And clearly, he was only “focused” on himself when he took over $70,000 in gifts, including from a Chinese corporation and other foreign governments.
“Lying Rudy Salas is talking out of both sides of his mouth,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella. “Salas is telling Central Valley families he has their backs, but his record shows time and time again he’s only looking out for himself. Voters can’t trust Rudy Salas.”