Luria & Spanberger Deny Science, Stop Bill to Reopen Schools

Parents are desperate to get their kids back in school. The CDC and public health officials say it’s safe to do so.
But last night, Congresswomen Luria and Spanberger voted to deny science and kill legislation to safely reopen America’s schools.
When it comes to choosing between our children or union bosses that want to keep schools closed forever, it’s clear which one they’ll choose every time.
“Kids are falling behind and even though public health officials say it’s safe to reopen schools immediately, Congresswoman Luria and Spanberger are denying science and voting to keep our kids shut out of the classroom,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Luria and Spanberger are putting their union bosses above what’s best for our children, and it’s every reason voters should show them the door.”