Locals catch on to Unhinged Underwood
The veneer is already starting to come off Congresswoman Underwood’s extremism as local reporters begin catching on to Underwood’s out of touch record.
In case you missed it, the Fake-Nurse-Come-Congresswoman was taken to task in a column this morning for catching “foot-in-mouth disease” after she falsely accused U.S. Border Patrol of “intentionally” murdering children. The column also lays into her for:
- Adopting “the most liberal voting record in the House, according to VoteView, a project of UCLA political scientists”
- Following “the Democrat playbook” to a tee
- And completely abandoning the health care issues she campaigned on
We said it yesterday and we’ll say it again: Lauren Underwood has quietly adopted one of the most extreme records in Congress, and it’s time folks started paying attention.