Kind waves white flag

Ron Kind is out, the latest House Democrat waving the white flag instead of facing certain defeat in the mid-terms.
His decision comes after CLF spent $2 million last cycle to put Congressman Kind into his first real race in more than 25 years – and came within a hair of victory.
With Derrick Van Orden outraising Kind nearly 2:1, Kind’s decision to add his name to the list of Democrats desperately searching for the exits is not only the right choice, but the latest sign House Democrats know they’re days in the Majority are dwindling fast.
“Congressman Ron Kind made the right decision to drift off into the sunset rather than face certain defeat next fall,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “CLF’s investment in 2020 made this an imminently winnable seat for Republicans and we look forward to ensuring this seat flips Republican in 2022.”