Kendra Horn isn’t out of the woods on this

According to NEWS 9 this morning, Kendra Horn thinks it’s totally ok for her to break her “No Corporate PAC” pledge because all those corporate PACs she took money from were just “lobbyist PACs.” As NEWS 9 reports:

“Horn did accept a $5,000 donation from the American Crystal Sugar Company, according to Federal Election Commission filings…Its PAC is not however considered as a corporate PAC, instead [it’s] considered as a lobbyist PAC with the FEC.”

Sure. But if Kendra is ok taking money from “lobbyist PACs” then why did she tell the Edmond Sun last year that her campaign “represents accountability to Oklahomans instead of out-of-state corporate PACs and lobbyists.

And furthermore, why did Kendra attack her opponent for taking money from all those “PACs and lobbyists” like she did herehere and here.


Looks like someone has a lot more explaining to do.

“Kendra Horn is a phony and fraud who lied to the people of Oklahoma.”– CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore.