Kaptur Votes AGAINST Bipartisan, Commonsense Energy Bill

The House just passed bipartisan, commonsense legislation that repeals President Biden’s LNG (liquified natural gas) export ban that hurts American business while helping our adversaries. Specifically, this bill will:
- Boost the economy,
- Lower energy costs for Americans at home,
- Create U.S. jobs, and
- Enhance energy security for the U.S. and our allies.
While nine of her Democrat colleagues supported this legislation, Marcy Kaptur still voted against it.
“Instead of helping our economy, strengthening our energy security, and lowering energy costs for Ohioans, Marcy Kaptur is siding with the radical left’s anti-American energy agenda,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole. “This isn’t the first time Marcy Kaptur has voted against American energy independence, and it won’t be the last.”