ICYMI: Republicans Launch Website Attacking McCready’s Business Dealings

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Republicans Launch Website Attacking McCready’s (D) Business Dealings
The Washington Free Beacon
Charlie Hoffman
July 22, 2019
The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) launched a microsite Monday knocking North Carolina Democratic congressional candidate Dan McCready over his solar company’s alleged ties to Chinese manufacturing firms.
The website, listed as GreedyDanMcCready.com, highlights how McCready has invested in solar companies that outsourced some manufacturing jobs to China, despite McCready’s claims he created hundreds of American jobs through his green energy company.
In addition to the outsourcing claims, the site also references recent news coverage about how a nonprofit, of which McCready sat on the board of, lobbied for policies that hiked energy prices for North Carolinians while McCready profited.
“Dan McCready sat on the board of a special interest group that lobbied the State of North Carolina for sweetheart deals that siphoned huge sums of money from ratepayers to businesses like his own,” the site reads.
McCready is running against Republican state Senator Dan Bishop in the special election for North Carolina’s 9th Congressional district. The special election which will be held in September was called after the results from the 2018 election were nullified after allegations of voter fraud.
Calvin Moore, a spokesman for CLF, told the Washington Free Beacon the site is part of the organization’s ongoing efforts to call attention to McCready’s self-dealing business record.
“From sending jobs to China to using special interest lobbyists to score sweetheart deals for his company, Dan McCready can’t be trusted to look out for North Carolina, because his record shows he’s only ever looking out for himself,” Moore told the Beacon.
McCready never truly stopped campaigning for the district after the 2018 election concluded. Because of questions surrounding the final results of the 2018 election, McCready continued to fundraise putting him at a significant advantage over his Republican opponents when a redo election was called.
According to the most recent campaign finance filings, McCready has a five to one cash on hand advantage over Bishop heading into the final months of the campaign.
If McCready manages to defeat Bishop, he would become the first Democrat in over fifty years to represent the district.