“I totally got f***ed”

Facing a barrage of bad polls for Democrats, Dina Titus is having an absolute meltdown as she slowly realizes her fate.
In an unhinged, profanity-laced rant at a town hall on Wednesday, Titus conceded, “I totally got f***ed by the Legislature on my district.”
Titus then went on to predict a 4-0, all Republican wipeout in Nevada this year adding there’s now, “three [Democrat-held districts] that are very likely going down…. Plus it’s a bad year.”
In other news, with no income tax, Las Vegas really isn’t all that of bad a place to retire, if Dina is looking for other options.
“Dina Titus sounds really worked up. Retiring might be a really good way to help her take the edge off,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Titus and her vulnerable colleagues have a tough decision to make: retire or get voted out anyway next fall.”