Headlines from Horsford’s terrible week

Last week was an utter mess and I’m sure Steven Horsford is desperate to put it all behind him. Afterall, it’s not every day your wife calls on you to retire from Congress after cheating with an intern (for 10 years!)
Lest anyone forget, here’s what Nevadans read about Steven last week.
- Fox News: Democratic congressman’s wife calls him out for running for re-election despite 10-year affair
- Washington Times: Democrat’s wife spouts off on Twitter about husband’s past affair
- Politico Playbook: Steven Horsford’s wife is, umm, not happy that he’s running for reelection
- Las Vegas Review Journal: Horsford’s wife ‘will not be silent’ about congressman’s affair, re-election campaign
- Daily Mail: Democratic Rep. Steven Horsford’s wife fumes at him for running for re-election after revealing he had a decade affair
- Nevada Globe: Rep. Horsford’s Wife Ends Silence About His Extramarital Affair
- Breitbart: Democrat Steven Horsford at Odds with Wife On Reelection Bid After Having ‘Long-Standing Affair’
Anyone check in for an update on those retirement plans?