Have his cake and eat it too
They say you can’t have your cake and eat it too, but of course privileged Dean Phillips wants to be the exception.
In the midst of self-proclaimed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders unveiling his latest attempt for government-run health care, Phillips responded to the news via a Facebook video saying, “I believe that universal access to affordable health care should be a moral right in this country, and that should be our objective. Transitioning to a single-payer system is one idea for how we get there, but it’s not the only idea. I want to pursue policy solutions that ensure greater competition among insurers and providers and — most importantly — lower costs for consumers.”
“Transitioning to a single-payer system is one idea,” followed by his desire to “pursue policy solutions that ensure greater competition among insurers and providers,” is so contradicting it’s hilarious. Does Phillips know that single-payer health care would essentially decimate competition among insurers and providers? Does Phillips know what he is talking about?
As Phillips twists into a pretzel in hopes of keeping everyone happy, he’s just proving that he’ll say or do anything to get elected – a trait voters are sure to reject. Or that he is totally clueless on key issues, which voters will also reject.