launches now!

Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, announced it launched, a new website dedicated to showcasing how Dan McCready sold out North Carolina families and rigged the system to make himself rich.
The new site is being promoted as part of an on-going effort to ensure voters know the truth about Dan McCready and his record of self-dealing. From sending jobs to China, to using a special interest group to lobby for sweetheart deals for his company, Dan McCready got paid, but North Carolina families got played.
Click here to view the new site.
A screenshot appears below.
“Dan McCready’s mantra has always been McCready first, North Carolina last,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “From sending jobs to China to using special interest lobbyists to score sweetheart deals for his company, Dan McCready can’t be trusted to look out for North Carolina, because his record shows he’s only ever looking out for himself.”