Greedy McCready strikes again!

Literally *just yesterday* Dan McCready promised to “take our state back…from the special interests.”
But Dan McCready long used the special interests to make politics work… for himself. Despite his phony talking points, the truth is: McCready has only ever looked out for himself.
Let’s take a look at how:
- McCready sat on the board of a special interest group, which he used to lobby for state mandates that steered huge amounts of money to his own businesses. Jobs were lost and electric bills skyrocketed, but Dan McCready didn’t care because he was making big bucks on insider deals, even while North Carolina families got hosed.
- McCready outsourced good-paying American manufacturing jobs to China, deciding his own bottom line was more important than sustaining jobs here in America.
- McCready engaged in shady land deals with future donors, causing for red-flags independent ethics watchdogs.
“Greedy Dan McCready is only ever looking out for himself,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “From sending jobs to China to using his special interest groups to lobby for insider deals that made him wonderfully rich, Dan McCready has made clear that his own interests come before those of hard-working North Carolina families.”