Families facing hardship from Democrats’ inflation crisis

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted this morning that it’s time to “retire the word transitory” on inflation, adding that, “it hasn’t been an apt description of what we’re dealing with.”
No wonder. According to a new Gallup poll also out this morning, inflation is causing financial hardship for nearly half of American households, and for low-income families, it’s even worse: 71% of low-income families report facing hardship from rising prices.
That hasn’t stopped Democrats from doubling down, with White House Deputy Communications Director Kate Berner telling McClatchy, “If the Republican members of Congress want to have a debate about who is tackling price increases, we’re happy to have that conversation.”
Game on.
“Democrats dismissed every warning about inflation in a hurried rush to pass their far-left political agenda, and now working Americans are paying the price for their hubris,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Americans are finding it harder than ever to get by in Democrats’ America, and will be sure to hold them accountable for it at the ballot box.”