FACT CHECK: House Dems Peddle False Abortion Attack in Recent Ads

House Democrats are running misleading attack ads accusing Republicans of voting “to jail doctors who perform abortions,” and according to a recent report, “the bill they cite does no such thing.”

Democrat groups are running ads centered on H.R. 26, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, targeting Republicans in congressional seats won by Joe Biden in 2020.

However, the bill “specified the care doctors would need to provide babies who survive botched abortions. Nothing in it indicated that physicians would be punished for successful, legal abortions.

But something as simple as the truth isn’t getting in the way of Democrat attack ads.

“Democrats are resorting to lying and fearmongering to try and distract from their disastrous records,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella. “Voters will see right through it and choose candidates that are offering real solutions.”