Energy Costs Likely To Be Highest In 15 Years
Axios reports, “Heating costs are going to rise over the next few months, potentially posing an additional burden this winter for low-income families.”
And “Low-income households will feel a heavy burden as they will fall behind on paying energy bills and have to make choices about rent, heat and food,” as energy costs are likely to be the highest in 15 years with natural gas jumping 28%, heating oil rising nearly 27%, and electricity rising 10%.
But Jahana Hayes can’t be trusted to help families – she supported a plan that would increase energy bills by 17% more.
“Connecticut families are facing a brutal winter ahead as home heating costs soar, but Jahana Hayes doesn’t care,” said CLF Press Secretary Cally Perkins. “Hayes pushed for a plan that would leave families out in the cold by hiking energy costs even more.”