Dems: free supermax criminals for COVID!

Just when you thought House Democrats couldn’t possibly get more out-of-touch… they manage to find a way.

Just now, House Democrats on the Judiciary Committee sent a letter demanding Attorney General Bill Barr “release as many prisoners as possible” and that DOJ evaluate prisoners for release “regardless of the type of institution in which they are housed, the seriousness of their offense, or the potential recidivism risk they may present.” 

The Democrats even go so far as to specifically point out high-security facilities and criminals “who have been convicted of serious offenses, or who have high PATTERN risk scores” and call for them to to be assessed for release because they may be elderly or particularly vulnerable.”

Which of course means Democrats think folks like El Chapo (62, serving in ADX Florence) or even Ted John Kaczynski (better known as the Unabomber, 77 serving at ADX Florence) all should be eligible for consideration for release.


Click here to read the Democrats insane letter (the good bits are on page 4).