Democrats’ Race to the Left Continues in New York

The New York Times reports House Democrats’ New York primary problems aren’t going away, as Democrat candidates continue to pile up.
One Democratic political advisor said, “My view is we shot ourselves in the foot last cycle, and we seem intent on shooting ourselves in the head this cycle… I can’t for the life of me understand why we can’t figure this out and ensure that we have one strong candidate running in each of these districts.”
Some of the notable crowded Dem primaries include:
- NY-04: Where three Democrats are already engaging in a race to the left.
- NY-17: Where known-socialist Mondaire Jones is taking on Liz Whitmer Gereghty, sister to radical Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
- NY-22: Where four Democrats are competing to show who’s the most progressive.
“There’s a reason Republicans continue to do well in New York, and it isn’t only because voters there are fed up with failed, one-party Democrat rule,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella. “As Democrats continue trying to ‘out left’ each other in these crowded primaries, our Republican incumbents will be there, presenting a voice of reason and common-sense alternative to the left’s toxic socialist agenda.”