Democrats’ diaper sticker shock

Runaway inflation is hitting working families with skyrocketing diaper prices.
According to new reports today, diaper prices are up 12% and all of the major diaper producers are promising even higher price increases are on the way, with Luvs and Pampers both announcing another round of price increases in September.
Alarmingly, experts predict “even if commodity and shipping prices come back down, diaper price increases will likely stay inflated.”
With working families already spending an average $80/mo on diapers, Democrats want to further inflate their costs by printing $3.5 trillion in new spending and make it even harder for working families to get by.
“From gas to diapers and groceries, everything is more expensive in Democrats’ Washington,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “But instead of correcting course to bring down costs for working families, Democrats are pouring jet fuel on the fire of inflation by printing another $3.5 trillion for their socialist agenda.”