Dem Rep. Vasquez Harasses Colleague With Racial Slur: “Chris, the N-er”

A shocking new report uncovers that after being fired from a previous job for falsifying data, Rep. Gabe Vasquez called his former employer to harass a co-worker, using demeaning, racial slurs – calling him, “Chris, the N-er” and later in a subsequent phone call, “Chris, the black man.”
What kind of person is Gabe Vasquez? Certainly not what he’s represented. How can Democrats stand by him with a record of racist attacks like this?
This alone is inexcusable behavior from Democrat Gabe Vasquez, but that’s not all the police reports reveal…
Vasquez had other run-ins with law enforcement – including detailed police reports of domestic disturbances.
AND multiple reports filed by police for marijuana possession, including an incident where he hastily attempted to flush drugs as police arrived.
And in case you missed it, this all comes JUST DAYS AFTER the news broke about an arrest warrant being executed against Vasquez in El Paso, TX, and he’s scheduled for a mandatory court appearance in September.
“This is absolutely disqualifying behavior for a Member of Congress,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole. “How can Democrats stand by after Gabe Vasquez hurled inexcusable racial slurs while harassing a former colleague? Will Democrats hold Vasquez accountable?”