TJ lied about his *very real* Canadian mining company

Congressman TJ Cox just can’t stop himself from lying about his shady businesses. Last week TJ told a reporter that he failed to disclose his position with a Canadian mining company because it was “not really a company” and had “no assets, no operations, nothing.”

However, newly revealed emails directly contradict Cox’s denial. According to the San Joaquin Valley Sun, the company was very real indeed with several hundred thousand in assets, operations and the whole shebang.

There’s even pictures of his company mining for gold!

TJ just can’t seem to keep his stories straight.

In case you missed it…

Cox Said His Canadian Gold Mine Was “Not Really A Company.” His Emails Disagree.
The San Juaquin Valley Sun
Alex Tavlian
June 11, 2019

Fresno Rep. TJ Cox’s ties to a Canadian mining enterprise are murkier than he has let on, newly obtained emails show.

Cox is a director in British Columbia-based Constellation Mines, Ltd. along with two other Central Valley residents. During the 2018 campaign, Cox failed to disclose his role in the business in mandatory ethics filings.

The freshman legislator has remained mum about his role in the Canadian mining firm.

When Cox’s failure to disclose his position was exposed by The Fresno Bee, the Congressman responded, saying, “You don’t put together 10 or 15 years worth of businesses and get out overnight.”

Last Wednesday, however, Cox broke his silence… “The funny thing is, there was no company. There was no assets, no operations, nothing. It was an entity that was set up to look at some things and so that was it,” Cox told Stecker and assembled reporters.

“So it’s not really a company, a company that has no assets is not really a company, so it never really had any operations.”

An email obtained by The Sun written by Cox to investors shows that the claims don’t appear to hold much water.

In the email, dated Feb. 4, 2012, Cox solicited $250,000 in financing for “start up expenses and some additional equipment” for Constellation Mines.

In the email, Cox tells investors that the firm has roughly $650,000 invested for equipment and payroll.


In his email, Cox also provided the following photos of mining operations to investors:

Click here to read the full story.