CNBC shreds Porter-Cisneros tax bill

It’s the height of hypocrisy. Katie Porter and Gil Cisneros used to whine and whine that the tax cuts were about “shoveling money” to the 1%.

But then they got to Washington and … drum roll please … immediately introduced tax cuts exclusively for the mega-rich.

CNBC torched Katie Porter and Gil Cisneros’s tax bill to eliminate the cap on the state and local tax deduction yesterday, saying it“would lower taxes on the highest earners and create little or zero benefits for the middle class.” 

Watch the absolutely 🔥 segment here.

And they’re right. According to nonpartisan studies, bills like the Porter-Cisneros bill would give 96% of their tax cuts to the highest earning households. Those in the top 1% would get a fat $31,000 tax cut.

Just for the LOLs, here’s Porter and Cisneros going into total melt down over tax cuts for wealthy folks. Can’t wait to their reaction to the studies on their own bill! 🤯