CLF Launches First Ad Highlighting Malinowski’s Pandemic Profiteering

Congressional Leadership Fund is launching the beginning of a sustained digital ad campaign targeting Congressman Tom Malinowski over his pandemic profiteering.
CLF’s new effort includes a video ad that will run for months on digital and search ad platforms, as well as a brand a new website to educate voters –, all of which will serve as an ever-present reminder that while New Jerseyans were dying, Tom Malinowski’s only concern was how to make a killing.
“With businesses shutting down and families losing their loved ones, records show Tom Malinowski wasn’t looking out for Jersey, he was looking out for himself,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Tom Malinowski shorted New Jersey companies on the market and made a profit off their suffering. Voters should cut his career short in turn and send him home from Congress next November.”