Cheerios up 20%, thanks to Democrat spending sprees

Parents are going to be hit hard by this one.
According to CNN, inflation from government spending is running so hot that General Mills will be raising prices “by around 20%” on products from dozens of brands including Cheerios, Pillsbury, Better Crocker, Progresso, Yoplait, Fruit Roll Ups, Annies and more. In short: the staples most families buy every day.
The announcement joins a long list of brands including Tysons and Kraft Heinz to announce price hikes on nearly everything middle-class families need to get by as trillions in wasteful spending continue to make inflation even worse.
“Middle-class families are getting hosed as inflation set off by trillions in wasteful spending continues to make life less affordable than ever,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “But even as costs rise out of control, Democrats want to pour gasoline on the fire of inflation with trillions more in wasteful spending for their far-left political agenda, no matter the cost to working Americans.”