CCP-linked Gotion “Deeply Connected to Forced Labor”

The U.S. House Select Committee on the CCP is calling on the Department of Homeland Security to blacklist Gotion over ties to Chinese Community Party state-sponsored slave labor and the ongoing Uyghur genocide.”

Meaning Gotion – the same EV battery company that Curtis Hertel brought to Michigan – is “deeply connected to forced labor” and “genocide” in China.

Michigan residents have long been against allowing Gotion to open an EV battery plant in their community, and U.S. officials warned of the glaring national security threat.

Despite this, Curtis Hertel fought to bring the CCP to Michigan AND collected campaign cash from the foreign agents representing Gotion while he was at it.

Will Hertel stand by his decision to bring the CCP-linked company’s plant to Michigan, or will he change his tune?