CBS: T.J. Cox’s “very difficult first year”

Congressman TJ Cox has only had a challenger for about a half a day, but the Cox re-elect is already off to an incredibly rough start.

Local news is already describing Cox’s first term in absolutely devastating terms. Look no further than CBS Fresno’s segment last night, where Cox was said to have had a “very difficult first year, ending up with a number of controversies,” from failing to pay his own employees, ethics complaints, and discriminating against disabled children.

CBS was right: TJ Cox’s first term “didn’t start as well as he would have liked.” Though, I have to admit, that might be the understatement of a lifetime.

Click here to watch the segment and see below for a round-up of T.J. Cox’s latest scandals.

The latest in T.J.’s unending saga of ethics problems:

“The more we learn about Congressman T.J. Cox, the shadier and shadier he becomes,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “T.J. Cox is as crooked as they come and it’s why voters are going to send him home in 2020.”