Bernie’s cheerleader?
With Bernie Sanders unveiling his latest, unrealistic health care plan, Congressman Rick Nolan will surely be his biggest cheerleader. Remember, Nolan has been in favor of single-payer health care since the 1970s, yet since then, he’s also failed to explain how the plan, which is known to have a hefty price tag, will be paid for.
“Rick Nolan’s single-payer dreams may have earned him high fives among groupies in the 1970s, but Minnesota families today can’t afford his radically liberal and expensive plan for government-run health care. When it comes to health care, Minnesotans deserve a plan that will lower costs, increase choice and improve the quality of care, not higher taxes.” – Courtney Alexander, CLF spokeswoman
The Urban Institute’s Health Policy Center Estimated Sanders’ Medicare For All, Single-Payer Plan Would Cost $32 Trillion Over Ten Years. “In total, federal spending would increase by about $2.5 trillion (257.6 percent) in 2017. Federal expenditures would increase by about $32.0 trillion (232.7 percent) between 2017 and 2026..[.]” (John Holahan, et al., “The Sanders Single-Payer HealthCare Plan,” The Urban Institute , 5/16)