AP: Malinowski bet against American recovery, made sketchy stock trades to profit off COVID

A blistering new report out from the Associated Press this morning shows Tom Malinowski’s sketchy efforts to profit off of COVID-19 are much worse than anyone could have imagined.
As families struggled and markets tanked, Malinowski went on a “stock buying and selling spree,” for “as much as $1 million of stock in medical and tech companies that had a stake in the virus response.”
The worst part? Malinowski became a “prolific shortseller,” betting his money against the American companies he was supposed to be rooting for, hoping they’d fail so he could make a quick buck.
“When COVID-19 hit, Tom Malinowski wasn’t rooting for American businesses to succeed, he was betting against them in the markets, shorting their companies, and hoping they’d fail to make big profits,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Tom put himself and his own back pocket first and its every reason New Jersey voters should show him the door.”