Americans “feel the pinch” from Democrats’ economic agenda

A flurry of economic news today paints a bleak picture for American families just trying to get by.
Inflation is at the highest rate we’ve seen in 29 years. Gas prices hit their highest in 7 years. Meanwhile, consumer confidence is plummeting as Americans begin to “feel the pinch” from the price increases on almost everything they buy.
But if you think Democrats are going to do anything about it: think again. Today, they’re doubling down tax hikes and $6 trillion in reckless new spending that will devalue your paycheck and rob more of your hard-earned dollar.
“Inflation is eating up Americans’ hard-earned paychecks, and Democrats are lining up to rob them of even more of it with taxes hikes and a $6 trillion spending spree,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Families are feeling the consequences of the Democrats’ reckless economic agenda and will hold them accountable for it.”