Adam Gray’s “Suspicious” Real Estate Deal

The LA Times reports that Sleazy Adam Gray has profited big time off of a “suspicious” real estate deal he made just before leaving the State Assembly.
Here’s what we know about the deal:
- As a State Assemblyman in 2018, Gray pushed for $6.5 million in state funding to expand a program on an old military base.
- A few years later, a company Gray is an owner of JUST HAPPENED to buy property at the old base.
- Then that same base received nearly $50 million in additional taxpayer funding.
- And here’s the catch: Gray did NOT disclose the real estate investment OR his stake in the company that purchased the real estate. And while the property was originally purchased for $600,000, the property’s value has increased to $2.5 million.
This isn’t the first time Adam Gray has used his position for his own gain. Gray has repeatedly violated California’s Political Reform Act and used special interest funding for lavish trips.
“Self-serving politician Adam Gray has spent his career profiting off of California taxpayers, and voters will hold him accountable for it,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole.