New Ad In UT-04: The Real Ben McAdams

McAdams grew his budget as mayor by $500 million, backed tax increases, and gave himself a pay raise

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released a new ad, “The Real McAdams,” in Utah’s 4th Congressional District. The ad details Ben McAdams’ record of increasing taxes and giving himself a pay raise as mayor. The ad will run on television in the Salt Lake City media market and on digital platforms throughout the district.

“Professional politician Ben McAdams says Utahns deserve a ‘government that is held accountable for tax dollars,’ but he grew his own budget by $500 million and backed a dozen tax increases over $300 million,” said Michael Byerly, CLF spokesman. “McAdams did it all while giving himself a pay raise every year he was mayor – Utah families deserve better.”

Watch the ad, “The Real McAdams,” here. 


VO: Professional politician Ben McAdams says we deserve a “government that is held accountable for tax dollars.” 

But here’s the real Ben McAdams: 

As Salt Lake County Mayor, he grew his own budget by $500 million.

McAdams has backed over $300 million in tax increases.  

Taxes on families, property, and businesses. 

And McAdams did it all while giving himself a pay raise – every year he was mayor.   

That’s the real Ben McAdams and we can’t afford him.