CLF Releases New Ads In KY-06 Detailing Amy McGrath’s Liberal Agenda

-First ad highlights McGrath’s support from the liberal elites who look down on Kentucky
-Navy veteran says Amy McGrath’s extreme, liberal policies will put Kentucky families at risk

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released two new ads in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. The ads will run on television in the Lexington media market and on digital platforms throughout the district.

One ad, “Liberal Elites,” highlights how Amy McGrath stands with the liberal elite who are bankrolling her campaign, not with Kentucky families. Another ad, “Cliff,” features Cliff Ellenbrook, a Navy veteran from Kentucky, discussing how Amy McGrath’s extreme, liberal policies would put Kentucky families at risk.

“The liberal elite who are funding Amy McGrath’s campaign look down on Kentucky,” said Courtney Alexander, CLF Communications Director. “They are bankrolling Amy McGrath’s campaign because she shares their extreme views on national security, like supporting the Iran nuclear deal and saying the border wall is ‘stupid.’ In Congress, Amy McGrath would side with the liberal elite and Nancy Pelosi, not Kentucky families.”

In addition to the ad campaign, CLF has opened a field office in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. Each CLF field office is supported by a full-time staffer and hundreds of interns and volunteers who engage with voters on a daily basis through hyper-targeted phone banking and door-to-door canvassing.

Watch the ad, “Liberal Elites,” here.


VO: From Hollywood to Wall Street to D.C…

…the liberal elite look down on Kentucky. 

To them, we’re flyover country… 

…and Amy McGrath is their candidate for Congress. 

From opposing the middle-class tax cut…

…to giving amnesty to illegal immigrants.

…to wasting our money on welfare and liberal handouts…

…Amy McGrath is with them, not us.

Watch the ad, “Cliff,” here.


CLIFF ELLERBROOK: I served on Navy submarines during the Cold War…

Amy McGrath served our country too, but her ideas on national security are risky. 

McGrath supports the Iranian nuclear deal…

…handing billions to the leading funder of terrorism…

…And McGrath says building a border wall is “stupid.”

That tells me McGrath will side with Nancy Pelosi.

Amy McGrath’s liberal policies will put Kentucky families at risk.