Congressional Leadership Fund Issues Statement On TX-07 Democratic Primary

WASHINGTON  Following the results of the Democratic primary in Texas’ 7th Congressional District, CLF Executive Director Corry Bliss issued the following statement congratulating progressive champion Laura Moser on her advancement to the runoff:

“Congratulations to progressive champion Laura Moser for making the runoff in the Democratic primary for Texas’ Seventh District. It is not often that I agree with DNC Chairman Tom Perez, but it’s confusing as to why the DCCC chose to attack progressive champion Laura Moser. She would be just like every other Democrat in Congress: pro-choice, anti-gun and a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda.”

On March 2, CLF released polling in TX-07 showing progressive champion Laura Moser surging in the Democratic primary despite attacks from the DCCC. Prior to DCCC’s attack on Moser, internal CLF polling showed Moser a distant also-ran.


Lizzie Pannill Fletcher: 28%

Laura Moser: 17%

Jason Westin: 14%

Alex Triantaphyllis: 13%

Ivan Sanchez: 1%

Joshua Butler: 1%

James Cargas: 1%

Undecided: 25%

As you may know, the national Democratic Party in Washington, DC is mobilizing to stop liberal candidate Laura Moser from winning the Democratic primary. Do you approve or disapprove of DC Democrats trying to stop Laura Moser?

Approve: 13%

Disapprove: 61%

Not sure: 26%

Survey conducted March 1, 2018. 726 likely 2018 Democratic Primary Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the 2018 Democratic Primary Election. Margin of Error is +/-3.63% with a 95% level of confidence. Totals do not always equal 100% due to rounding.